Heroines With Heart: Melissa Ambrosini
It's not everyday you get to chat with someone you have on your vision board. I'm going to put it out there, Melissa Ambrosini has been one of my biggest inspirations over the last 18 months as I've slowly transitioned my life from Desk Job/Party Girl/A Little Bit Lost to Health Coach/Yogini/General Life Lover. I've cooked her recipes, read her eBook (and highly recommend it!) and watched her speak live at Earth Event's Self Love & Sisterhood tour earlier this year. I seriously smile just thinking about her wide-eyed excitement when discussing health, self love, passion and authenticity. In person, she is warm, adorable and radiates love. And is (obviously) a massive babe. Recently, I've had the pleasure of coaching with Mel. Her intelligent insights and life experience combined with her passion, generosity and crazy love for her work has been invaluable for where I am at right now in my own life and business and I am forever grateful for her time. I know you will be inspired by this woman of wellness and her heart of gold. Maybe you'll even put her on your vision board too.
So, first things first. What is your dream?
I dream of living each moment to the fullest, being present, living from my heart, experiencing joy and a full colourful life.
What makes up your lifeblood? (Your passion, what pumps through your veins…)
Helping people, sharing the importance of health and wellness and showing people they can live their best life.
What has been your biggest fear to date to overcome?
Being healthy means that I…
12 Steps to Wellness
Nourish my body every day + think only pure thoughts or none at all and just be present.
Where is your ultimate travel destination?
The Maldives, it looks amazing.
What DRIVES you?
Life + sunsets + air + friends + my family + the stuff I get to call ‘work’ + writing + sharing + teaching + love + cuddles + truth + pray + meditation + watching the sunrise + yoga.
Choosing love over fear means…
Everything! It’s my manta I repeat over and over. We have a choice in every moment to choose love over fear and the best part is its our choice.
I feel really creative when I...
Create space + when I am present + connecting with nature.
If you could tell your 14 year old self one thing, what would it be?
Just be you. [Click to tweet this!]
Can you share with us your secret indulgence?
Melissa is a holistic health and life coach, writer, blogger, speaker and self-love teacher. Widely regarded as one of Australia’s foremost voices on women’s body image and relationship with food, Melissa is committed to helping women break down barriers and smash through negative beliefs.
Today, Melissa advocates a holistic, balanced and integrative approach to healthy living. Through her blog, articles, eBook, regular speaking appearances and coaching practice Melissa helps women to end their tortuous relationship with their body, regain confidence, achieve their optimal body weight and live a life they love.
Follow Melissa on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram (@melissa_ambrosini) and buy her eBook 12 Steps to Wellness HERE.